~The Dweller on the Threshold~


Artwork by Jean-Luc Bozzoli


The Dweller on the Threshold is usually regarded as presenting the final test of Man's courage, and as being in the nature of a gigantic thoughtform or factor which has to be dissipated, prior to taking initiation. Just what this thoughtform is, few people know.


The Dweller on the Threshold is illusion-glamour-maya, as realised by the physical brain and recognised as that which must be overcome. It is the bewildering thoughjt form with which the disciple is confronted, when he seeks to pierce through the accumulated glamour of the ages, and find his true home in the place of light.


The Dweller on the Threshold, always present, swings however into activity only on the Path of Discipleship, when the aspirant becomes occultly aware of himself, of the conditions induced within him as a result of his interior illusions, his astral glamour, and the maya surrounding his entire life. Being now an integrated personality these three conditions are seen as a whole, and to this whole the term Dweller on the Threshold is applied. It is in reality a vitalised thoughtform - embodying mental force, astral force and vital energy.


The Dweller on the Threshold is all that man is, apart from the higher spiritual self; it is the third aspect of divinity, as expressed in and through the human mechanism. The third aspect must be eventually subordinated to the second aspect - the Soul.

~The Tibetan~

The Seven Sacred Truths of the Body & Spirit
through the Seven Chakras

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